Division Links  |  75th Infantry Division   LoneSentry.com

75th Infantry Division Unofficial Homepage
German website on the 75th Infantry Division.

75th Infantry Division Dad
Website created to honor the creator's father, Resol B. Puckett, and the men who served in the 75th Infantry Division during WWII. It is a small tribute to these men who have not been given their proper place in history.

290th Infantry Combat Diary
Small WWII combat diary booklet published by I&E of the 290th Infantry Regiment of the 75th Infantry Division.

The 75th: The Story of the 75th Infantry Division
Online version of The 75th: The Story of the 75th Infantry Division. This is a small booklet covering the history of the 75th Infantry Division in WWII. This booklet is one of the series of G.I. Stories published by the Stars & Stripes in Paris in 1944-1945.

The Home of the Fighting 75th
Official home page of the modern 75th Division (Training Support).

75th Infantry Division History
75th Infantry Division Components
75th Infantry Division Medal of Honor Recipients
75th Infantry Division Commanders


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